Online applications and tools
I am writing this using Zoho Writer. It seems to have lots of bells and whistles, and I like the fact that I will be able to work on stuff wherever I am- I am always forgetting to bring my USB home. I am wondering if our library customers will like this too- we have only one public access PC, and it only has Notepad, no Word or Excel, which is very irritating. I will try suggesting to a few people that they might like to open a Zoho or Google docs account. Our customers use our PC because they don't have one of their own, so having this tool will help them because they can work on the document at the Library, at the Community technology centre and at TAFE, if the DET system allows it.
Google docs seemed simpler, but I really liked the introductory welcome screen in Zoho writer- it explained everything quite simply. The tabs at the top of the page make it easy to go back to the welcome page to check something if you wish. I think our customers would like this too. I also prefer Zoho Writer's tool bars- I can find things easily.
I tried to insert an image here but the upload seemed to be taking an inordinately long time. Now to try and post this to my blog- if you are reading this- it worked!