Well, it has certainly taken me a while to get back to this- I initially found the concept of RSS feeds confusing and there is nothing like confusion to aid and abet procrastination. I like the idea of all the useful blogs being collected in one place. I chose the obvious ones- Helene Blowers blog (isn't it attractively presented!), the Powerhouse photo blog, the NSW Readers Advisory blog, ABS for librarians, and just for fun, the brand-new Manchester National Year of reading blog. It seems that Manchester is launching the National Year of Reading on Saturday 26th April, and this is what their website
http://www.manchesterreads.org.uk/ had to say about this event:
The National Year of Reading is a year-long celebration of reading in ALL its forms. It aims to help build a greater national passion for reading in England - for children, adults and families.
In Manchester, there will be events and projects to do with reading happening all over the city, throughout the year - and this will be the place to find out about them!!
National Year of Reading will launch on Saturday 26th April with National Join-a-Library Day.
Library staff will be out and about all over the city - making you an offer you can't refuse - a FREE library card, your own Welcome Pack, and the chance to have your name entered for a prize draw.Sounds like fun, doesn't it? The idea of the blog is that people will start their own blogs as reading diaries and connect via the main blog, talking about reading and the events in the Year. So it will be interesting to watch this blog grow.
The main point of RSS for me will be to save time, and keep up with information. Having the RSS feed on your library's blog would be an extra service you could offer time-poor customers.